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Here's what  you get in a J.R. Russ Programming
& Research Arbitron Diary Audit Report:

bulletTally # diary mentions.
bulletTally of diaries by Zip Code
bulletTally of diaries by Zip Code - client station.
bulletTally diaries by survey week.
bulletTally diaries by survey week - client station.
bulletTally diaries by AQH.
bulletTally diaries by AQH - client station.
bulletTally diaries by county.
bulletTally diaries by county - client station.
bulletTally diaries by age/sex.
bulletTally diaries by age/sex - client station.
bulletMarket TALO report.
bulletClient TALO-TAB(TM) report.
bulletComputer FLIPS detail.
bulletCall letter ASCRIPTION detail.
bulletTAB of each diary listing: sex, age, race, week, station ID, sharing, AQH rank and more.
bulletHour-by-Hour GRAPH (if numbers available).
bulletDIARY-IN-QUESTION report.
bulletREPORT NARRATIVE - to help you and your staff digest the entire audit
in less than 30 minutes.

FREE Arbitron Diary Reviews are included for Arbitron subscribers, for each rating period, with a full Consultancy!

Additional information is provided at client request.
LISTENER COMMENTS available from Arbitron.
All data copyright Arbitron Ratings for subscribing stations only.

* INDEPENDENT. Not affiliated with Arbitron.


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